

Dr Moz is obsessed and driven by innovation and believes the recipe for success lies in striving for continuous improvement. He has completed his specialist training with the Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners and has completed a Masters in Skin Cancer which is the highest post graduate degree available for completion in Australia currently. He also continues to maintain attendance at conferences and training events in Australia and abroad. In addition he also teaches many Australian GPs advanced surgical skills through one of the largest GP training organisations in the Skin Cancer field.



Dr Moz is an Australian trained Procedural General Practitioner with extensive experience and a passion for skin cancer .

He graduated from Monash University with a Bachelor of Medicine/Surgery and spent years working in procedural medicine before turning his keen eye and expert skills towards caring for the skin and appearance of Australians.


What is Circumcision?

Circumcision is a minor procedure which removes the foreskin from the head of the penis. It is performed in Australia for many reasons ranging from medical problems with the foreskin requiring removal to cultural and religious reasons in some communities.



Dr Moz only performs circumcisions for boys under the age of 12 months.